About Us
North Barker was established in 2000, and has set and maintained the benchmark in Tasmanian natural values consulting since that time.
The Principal Ecologists at North Barker Ecosystem Services have provided significant input into the development of the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995, participated on various Ministerial Advisory Committees, contributed to reviews of regulations, the TASVEG Scientific Reference Group, and the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement CAR Scientific Advisory Group. As members of these scientific groups we have participated in the development of all of Tasmania’s natural values priorities. Consequently we have a detailed understanding of the values and the relevant regulations within which developments are assessed. The team has grown significantly over recent years and now numbers 18 ecological and GIS staff, a further 18 contract ecologists across a range of disciplines and specialists that help us with specific areas of expertise.
North Barker pride ourselves on excellent customer service and assistance in strategic and development planning, impact assessment and risk management, offering a one-stop shop for your natural values and ecological requirements. We will assist you through the planning and approvals process by providing sound solutions that will meet your needs and those of the regulators.
Communication is the foundation for our success and we pride ourselves on our communication skills and availability to clients. Existing and prospective clients can contact our team through our office or via individual staff members – for new project enquiries it is recommended to contact our Directors.